Emmaus Classical Academy is named for the Emmaus Road in Luke 24. In this passage, Jesus appears to two disciples on the road. He walks with them, talks with them, and breaks bread with them, showing them the true meaning of the Scriptures before revealing himself to them. This account highlights that Jesus cares deeply about our understanding, that he reveals himself as we walk with him and talk with him, and that learning happens in community. At Emmaus Classical Academy, we uphold four key pillars of learning:
Discussion in community
Genuine search for truth
The cultivation of virtue
Sincere love and reverence for Jesus

Here are some of the values that we believe set us apart from other Classically influenced programs and curricula:
We believe learning happens best in community, not in isolation. That's why our unified classes are designed to make mentor-led, Socratic discussions the main focus of class time.
We believe the purpose of education is to help us become good people who love God and love our neighbors. Our core virtues help us focus all our learning around these principles and goals.
We believe that the best tools for learning (besides the Holy Spirit and community) are primary texts. We don't use textbooks.
We believe that a good education addresses both the sophia and the techne of a subject. We seek to help students learn both wisdom and practical skill, and we believe that both are vital to understanding.
We believe that truth is unified, and that our study of history, for example, should be informed by our study of literature, philosophy, and theology. We offer "unified" courses so students can study these subjects without false or arbitrary distinctions. A student who takes one unified course with us receives credit for at least three high school humanities courses.
We believe that a classical education is for everyone, regardless of previous experience or educational background. We have designed our courses so that they are accessible to students who have never attempted Socratic discussion or classical education before.
We partner with a team of highly skilled, classically trained tutor-mentors who model love and reverence for Jesus, and who guide students to become excellent thinkers, readers, and writers.
Like what you see? Come grow with us!